Every day, the life of all of us, the monopoly impose more sacrifise. That market model to enter into in your pocket and leave part of the salary, or rendiments(or both). For most of us, the rest of the money must be, less and badly, redistribuited by the several vital necessity.To others people, some conforts must be sacrifised.
In both cases, it occur too gentle and without sound, that in most cases we dont fell that. Nowadays, the monopoly rarely or never, is showed like a ostensive thing; but hidden, discret and invisible.
Elevation prices are of the most importand consequences of the monopoly. They appear like a inevitable result of the private control of the prices, that superpose the market forces. Besides, the monopoly to enter into in the society and affect us in several others ways. Because all of us are much more that simple consumers, buyers of vital necessity articles in the market.
All the people who have a job are affected by monopoly. A rigid and huge struture with high prices in the industries, reduce the sales volume, and some consumers deliver that product or, when is possible looking for a eficient substitute in another industrie.That means that the productive capacity in the monopoly industrie remais unemployed, and the workers are forced to confront periods of decrease in a worker hours or a cronic unemployment.
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